
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS)

MLESA is organized by Faculty of Economics and Management at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS). The summer programme is placed in the campus of the university - lecture halls, dormitories and restaurant as well.

The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague is numbered today among the most important Czech Universities. Historically, the (CULS) in Prague has been a natural centre of agricultural education in Bohemia: Its role nowadays is to be a prime institution, educating highly qualified specialists for all positions in agriculture and forestry at a level equal to other similar universities all over the world. This is why among the CULS's long-term goals is not only the education of specialists able to compete on the world labour markets but also the provision of advisory services, the development of basic and applied research, training of young scientists, the role of an independent judge in scientific disputes, and the integration of experts on the academic ground.

The University is a home for almost 17,000 students who, together with almost 1,200 (academic staff, researchers, technicians and administrative workers) form an academic forum where everyone has their own role. The university offers bachelors´s programmes and Master´s programmes (based on credit system) and doctoral programmes. The University also offers five two-year MSc programmes taught in English (Economics and Management, Natural Resources and Environment Forestry, Water and Landscape Management, Informatics, Technology and Environmental Engineering). In 2005 the Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS) became a Member in the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS). Established in 2001 the ELLS network presently includes the following members:
University of Hohenheim (UHOH), Stuttgart, Germany
The University of Copenhagen Faculty of Life Sciences (KU), Copenhagen, Denmark
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), Austria
Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR), The Netherlands
Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS) Prague and Warsaw Agricultural University (SGGW) joined 2005.

Main fields of co-operation in ELLS are:

  • joint curriculum development
  • student and staff mobility
  • pooling of expertise
  • quality assurance
  • development of university policy and strategy
  • internationalisation


MLESA offers a great opportunity for Asian university students to come to Prague for an opportunity to improve the competencies needed for a successful future - management and leadership skills, practical experience from real business environment and global thinking of sharing cultures.


The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague is a prestigious educational and research institution, established in 1906. More than 20 000 students at 6 faculties every year show the high importance of this university. CULS offers modern facilities comparable to all prestigious European universities.



campus map


Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Faculty of Economics and Management
Kamýcká 129, 165 00 Prague 6

Mobile Phone/WhatsApp
+420 775 22 11 86